Okay. Mari kite sambung. Nampak kan aku unemployed. Lol.
I am now in my 7 months pregnancy, 28 weeks ++. Jadi dah kena kire pergerakan baby. Alang-alang tak berapa nak boleh tidur, marilah kita sambung cerita.
Why am I unemployed?
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7 months and the baby are very active. Alhamdulillah. |
So in August 2018, aku started working dekat satu company t-shirt ni di Melaka Raya. It was a disaster. Spoiler alert! But I guess God has His reasons. And what doesn't kill us make us go stronger.
Sebelum pergi interview ni, seorang officemate suami saya yang juga cuba apply kat tempat sama, macam bila tau aku had interview dekat sini mention like, company ni selalu sangat open vacancies. And I was giving the benefits of the doubt pun masa tu macam, tak pelah accept je la dulu. Esok kalau pelik-pelik sangat berhenti je.
Ye memang benar company ni boleh dikatakan all years long open vacancies. Ada fews companies under one big company, jadi kalau tak company tu yang run the ads. The other company will run the ads.
I've been offered the position right away after the interview. Katanya taknak membazir masa. Little did I know that the boss is actually jenis yang suka buat reckless decision kinda like tak tetap pendirian punya orang la. Very hard to work with.
My post is graphic designer for branding. Aha. So work and work and work with a lotsssss of meetings yang panjang. So many meetings and so long. And so unnecessary. Its always repeat the same unsolved issues. Itu menunjukkan betapa lemahnya leadership skill seorang boss.
After quite sometimes, I have been offered for another position, graphic designer for marketing pulak. Aku malas nak panjang-panjang, I just says okay.
After quite sometimes, I'm no longer a graphic designer tapi seorang marketing executive pulak. I have to do the proposal for new campaign for the company because apparently budak sales/marketing tak tau guna words. Lol. Tepuk dahi. Yang kelakar tu, beriya nau mentions dia jadi leader of dia punya college dulu, and dia tak pernah buat kerja-kerja macam tu. So unprofessional, arrogant and nobody's care pun in work environment who are you in college/university. We just want somebody to do the jobs.
So my graphics jobs got piles up, sebab aku dah confuse which job should I focus on. I talk to my boss several time, tapi boss aku cakap buat je la sekali jalan. Wow.
After quite sometimes aku jadi budak sales pulak bila mana aku kena keluar jumpa customer. Okay tak pe aku buat.
Because there is so many jobs, aku balik pukul 8/9/10 selama 3 bulan. Not that aku merungut. Life is hard, I know. But at some point I realise everything is just bullshit. And nobody really care pun. And it's not worth my life. It's not worth the peace of my life.
After quite sometime, I tau dah la siapa yang kaki jilat dan sebagainya dan apa problem paling besar company tu. And I got pregnant bulan 11. And aku taknak dah balik lambat. I got pregnant late. And I'm so stress at work. And getting pregnant is not something you get everyday. And I don't want to jeopardize it. Aku balik lambat almost setiap hari. It is very tiring. Aku kena kerja on Sunday and sometimes public holiday. And when I go to check up, my boss says I am missing in action. My boss keep doing interview and ambik orang baru and orang lama dia ugut-ugut untuk buang. So many meetings. Meetings bincang pasal collect duit makan RM10 sebulan and that everyday you have to speak english. Kalau tak you have to pay RM1.
Iwan sampai merajuk aku balik lambat hari-hari and he always be the one yang most understanding. Solat aku terabur. Aku solat asar 6.45. Aku solat maghrib pukul 8.20.
The first trimester is a bit hard. Loya, heartburn, muntah. I try my best. Marketing and sales team kena pindah kat 3rd floor. Before that aku duduk 2nd floor. And when we've move, ada suara-suara sumbang cakap kami tak buat kerja pulak.
Aku pindah tempat ada dekat 3 4 kali. Memula aku masuk aku duduk that side. Lepas tu kena pindah sebab PA baru nak masuk. Then duduk this side. Then bila marketing team dah cukup, kami 4 orang pindah naik atas. Then suddenly 1 of the team mate kena turun bawah, membawa aku kena turun bawah untuk guide dia pulak.
My boss said, now that marketing team dah cukup, I've only have to guide them, but then suddenly he asked things from me. Like you punya design mana. He is so so so indecisive and annoying. I can't bear with him anymore.
Selepas I bring all my stuff dengan printernya ke atas, dia suruh aku duduk bawah pulak. When I refuse, dia cakap aku taknak tinggal budak kat atas sebab sayang sangat. Eh geram pulak aku ko kan yang suruh kami satu team pindah atas. Ingat aku tak de kerja lain ke nak buat.
Yada yada yada. Ada satu hari tu aku keluar awal, sebab boss mintak beberapa t-shirt tu sedia by that day, so being a competent staff lol, aku pun pergila tempat tu. And then suddenly dia buat meeting at 6 when itu waktu orang balik. And aku dapat update suddenly all the post dah ditukar and ada orang cakap belakang pasal aku keluar cari t-shirt tu. I've been so husnuzon dekat dia, but she just showed her true color little by little. So dia lah jadi leader segala leader. Not that I mind, it just that the decision made bila aku tak ada. A little disappointed.
Malas nak ambik kisah, aku kerja macam biasa, no longer supervise my team, sebab aku cakap dengan dorang, I'm no longer your leader, I can't give you guys instructions anymore.
Rupa-rupanya ada orang cakap belakang that aku macam tak boleh fokus sejak akhir-akhir tu. I've tried my best, dan kalau my best tak cukup apa boleh buat kan. Aku rasa aku okay je. For the first time aku rasa we are all on the right track tapi boss aku terlalu micromanage that he asked how much sales we made per days, every damn day. Sabar je la.
So bla bla bla yada yada yada, one of the team mate, kena buang sebab lupa bawak baju masa pergi Singapore. What a pathetic excuse. And dia dibuang hari aku cuti.
Aku dah makin menyampah dengan management. Haha. Ye la budak tu budak digital marketing, ko suruh buat sales, memang la dia taknak. Masa interview cakap tak payah call orang la, lepas tu kena pulak. And I've seen her trying her best, itu yang sayang. Orang dah mula kenal jenama, suddenly things go back to zero again sebab my boss tak paham power of social medias. I've seen the results. Tu yang sayang. When things dah mula nampak hasil. Tapi boss aku jenis hari ni kawen esok dah kena ada anak haha.
And then, masa boss tak ada, si kaki putar alam tu, buat meeting not included me. I got the hint. Maksudnya tak lama lagi aku la kot kena buang. Lol. And she listed all the design/job yang belum selesai as if department aku je tak buat kerja. Aku lalu bilik meeting aku senyum je. Boss pun lepas dah balik dari outstation tu asyik tanya je, "You boleh kerja ke tak?" Few times bai dia tanya aku. I got the hint as well. Ada satu hari tu kena kerja on public holiday. Some datang some tak datang. Aku memang tak larat dah nak kerja. Dah la selalu balik lambat, ahad pun kena kerja and being pregnant is so tiring, and no OT ye guys. Lepas tu dia pakai point tu cakap aku tak bertanggungjawab. Pedih bai. After all the hard work. I never work that hard before. I really really trying my best. It just hurt so much.
After much consideration walaupun tau aku akan susah dapat kerja because I'm 2 months pregnant and all the morning sickness, I finally decided to resign on 31st December.
So there goes the reason why I'm unemployed. And to sum up all the things sebenarnya company tu memang nak semua orang buat sales je at the end of the days. Customers services, graphic designers, marketing executive, hatta PA dia pun kena buat sales. Lol. So at the end of the day, ko kena buat sales jugak. Aha. Boleh kira scam jugak la. Tapi scam acah-acah cara halus. Sepanjang aku kerja kat sana selama 4 bulan, ada ramai sangat staff berhenti, and most of the reasons sebab nonsense jobscobe. Ada yang lagi kesian, mintak customer services kena kemas store. Dia dahlah asthma. Kesian gila. Perempuan pulak tu. And solution dia bagi adalah pakai mask je. Haha.
Anyway, that is the worst company I ever worked at, and I hope if you ever come across a t-shirt company around Melaka Raya, run as fast as you can, because that shit does not worth you life. Lulz. And that is not even the whole ridiculous things happen there. Ada banyak lagi yang dah tak cukup tanah dah nak cerita tapi aku dah malas and I believe you got the point.
So until next time.